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27 Posts
4 min read

6 Ways to Encourage Creativity in Business

Introduction: What is creativity and how can it be encouraged in business? Creativity is often seen as a key ingredient for success in business. After all, businesses need to constantly come up with new and innovative ideas to stay ahead of the competition. But what exactly is creativity? And how

7 min read

4 Ways to Improve Your EQ and Get More Out of Life

Why do people seek to improve? It’s because we know there’s something improved out there. A bigger house, a faster car, a better way of life. Therefore, we take courses to improve our skills or read books to increase our knowledge. Yes, we have an insatiable desire to

6 min read

Be Unforgettable

How would you like to leave a room and people start talking about you in a way that is not only flattering but where they wished you hadn’t left? That is how to be unforgettable in a positive way. It’s not as difficult as you think, either. It

2 min read

5 Life Lessons From Warren Buffett

You might be wondering what super-investor Warren Buffett can teach you about life. You might be thinking that he knows a lot about money, but that has little to do with being an expert on life. You might be surprised. Warren is famous for his simple lifestyle and love of

3 min read

How to Become a Better Storyteller

What is the most memorable kind of communication? A good old-fashioned story, of course! Whether it's through hieroglyphics, parables, fairy tales, or fables, a good story is the deepest way to connect the mind to the soul. Storytelling is a cherished tradition and an entertaining and effective way

4 min read

Choose to Have a Great Day

Life is full of surprises. In an average day, a seemingly endless number of unexpected events can occur that might create stress, worry, and frustration. But instead of letting these negative emotions take over, what if you were to make a conscious decision to have a great day? Try these

2 min read

The Value of Organizing Tomorrow - Today

If you want to maximize your effectiveness and the amount you get done each day, organize tomorrow, today. The second that you open your eyes you can already be clear and certain about what you have to do that day. It’s much more effective than trying to plan your

2 min read

What Entrepreneurs Need to Know About Leadership Skills

As an entrepreneur, you’re likely to reach a turning point in your career. You start out relying on your vision and critical thinking to launch your new venture. Then, as your operations grow, you find that leadership and management skills become more important. You may consider yourself a natural