Positivity brightens my day
By B Bickham profile image B Bickham
1 min read

Positivity brightens my day

My attitude shapes my experience. I cultivate gratitude. I keep a journal to remind me to count my blessings. I give thanks for my health, my loved ones, and having a roof over my head. I savor small pleasures. I celebrate hot coffee and quick naps. I spend time outdoors.

My attitude shapes my experience.

I cultivate gratitude. I keep a journal to remind me to count my blessings. I give thanks for my health, my loved ones, and having a roof over my head.

I savor small pleasures. I celebrate hot coffee and quick naps.

I spend time outdoors. I stop to smell flowers and listen to birds sing. I eat my lunch in the park. Fresh air and green spaces cheer me up.

I socialize more. I surround myself with family and friends who love and care about me.  I make workouts and errands more fun by sharing my activities with others. I turn off the TV and engage in conversation.

I enjoy the warm glow that comes from giving. I volunteer in my community and donate money to worthy causes. I help neighbors and coworkers. I do favors for strangers without expecting anything in return.

I treat myself with kindness and compassion. I repeat inspiring affirmations. I take care of my mental and physical health. I give myself credit for trying.

I focus on the things I can control. I reduce stress by accepting reality instead of fighting it. I understand my strengths and limitations. I devote my energy to overcoming setbacks and learning from experience.

I reframe challenges as opportunities. I use difficult times as a chance to learn and grow.

Today, I think happy thoughts. I feel confident and hopeful. I radiate positive energy.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Why is positive thinking contagious?
  2. Who can I call when I need help looking on the bright side?
  3. What is one morning ritual that can help me to start the day with a sunny attitude?

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By B Bickham profile image B Bickham
Updated on