Tales of a Female VC: Help, Help, Help

There are 2 types of help. The help that you give and the help given to you.

When people offer help it is an opportunity for receiving. It could be a lesson. It could be a blessing. It is the opportunity for someone to do for you. Not for ego or pride, but because they want to. This is truly a win-win. They win since they give in a way that makes them feel good and happy. You win because you receive something that you needed.

You have to be open to receiving. Open to the gift of someone else’s knowledge, expertise, love, understanding, friendship. You have to be available for that and look for it. When we ask for a problem to be solved, a person shows up to help you. How do you receive that?

The help that you give is an opportunity to share. Your expertise, wisdom, gifts, and talents. It reinforces your knowledge, expertise, and understanding. It empowers others to learn and grow. When you help, you share a part of yourself. Your time, energy, and presence can be given for help.

Be mindful when accepting help. When we accept help, make sure that there is clear, open communication about the need. Make sure that it is clear about the amount of time, energy, and effort that you expect from people who offer you help. You don’t want to take advantage of people’s generosity. There is a balance between your request, your expectation, and the end result.

Be mindful when giving help. Make sure that you clearly state what you expect, offer, and the amount of time you’re willing to take to honor the request. You don’t want to feel taken advantage of. When giving your time, energy and efforts, be clear to state how you work and do things. This is how you set expectations. Sometimes you may have to turn down the help request. Sometimes the timing may be off and it may need to wait. Sometimes it means you need to accommodate you.

When you know who you are, then giving and receiving help becomes easy. You need to trust. You need to delegate. You need to understand that others can do their part. Giving and receiving is also a part of building a great team. Everyone operating in their greatness, unified in one understanding, and moving forward towards a goal. When everyone operates in their greatness, then magical things can happen.