Here’s Something For You To Look Forward To!

I’m working on several really cool projects  right now.

First, I just wanted to let you know that I'm moving my blog over to The new URL will be up and running by Nov 30th, 2022. So be sure to update your bookmarks and/or RSS feeds! I hope you'll continue to follow me on my journey as I share my thoughts and experiences here on the web. It's been a pleasure getting to know you all over the past few years, and I can't wait to see what the future holds!

Second, we're excited to announce that we've been working on a secret NFT project related to anime! If you're not familiar with NFTs, they're basically digital assets that you can own and trade. For our project, we decided to focus on anime because it's such a popular and well-loved genre. We think this will be a great opportunity for fans of anime to come together and interact with each other in new and interesting ways.

We don't want to give too much away just yet, but we should have more information available by the end of the year. In the meantime, make sure you follow our blog so that you don't miss any updates!

Lastly, we wanted to let you know that we've been invited to be a part of the 3rd Annual Black Women in Blockchain Congressional Briefing. It would be a great opportunity for us to learn more about the policy landscape and network with other powerful women in blockchain. If you're interested in participating, here's how:

The briefing will take place on November 17th from 9am-5pm EST. You'll have the chance to hear from some of the top minds in blockchain, as well as meet other women who are making waves in this industry. We hope you'll join us!


Barbara Bickham
Founder & Managing Partner | Trailyn VC
Founder & CTO | Trailyn Ventures
Host | Female VC Lab Podcast